Marc Randazza ~ now Marc Randazza of The Legal Satyricon, Randazza Legal Group, has his buddies blogging about Marc Randazza of The Legal Satyricon, Randazza Legal Group in an attempt for Marc Randazza to hide the Marc Randazza, Crystal Cox Scandal and Massive VIOLATIONS of my Free SPEECH and First Amendment Rights by Marc Randazza.
Marc Randazza Scandal
Here are Some Marc Randazza Tidbits from this Marc Randazza Love Post
The Quote Posts are in BLUE, and the Source of the Quotes is Listed At the End.
"Marc Randazza sees the Rakofsky suit, and far too many like it, as an attempt to pervert the power of law to the cause of stifling speech. He leapt, almost unbidden, to the defense of the Rakofsky blawgers in need of representation. "
Marc Randazza of The Legal Satyricon, Randazza Legal Group is the one attempting to "pervert" power.
Marc Randazza is the KING of Perverting Power.
Marc Randazza tried to pull a power trip over Crystal Cox, me and tell me I had no right to own Marc Randazza .com, which is simply NOT True. Marc Randazza STOMPS on my rights of Free Speech, and works against me in a case where if I don't get my case over turned, all BLOGGERS will be affected, no matter what the Lies of David Carr of the New Times is Telling You.
The Obsidian V. Cox case is the biggest case EVER regarding One Individual Blogger, that is Truly Independent, if Marc Randazza and the Plaintiff shut down my voice then this affects all Bloggers till the end of time, or the Internet as we know it.
The Obsidian V. Cox case is truly about a Blogger getting wind of a story and fighting for the victims, selflessly for 4 years and losing everything to stand up for what is right. The Obsidian V. Cox case is a case about finding information, digging through years of documents, getting tips and emails, reading document after documents, interviewing insiders, reading legal filings, reading contracts, listening to court audios, reading court transcripts and EXPOSING the inside details of a $40 Bankruptcy. The Obsidian V. Cox case is about the Plaintiff, Obsidian Finance Group trying to hide their secrets and what really happened and about David Aman of Tonkon Torp Law Firm protecting the involvement of Tonkon Torp, Leon Simson, David Peterson and David Aman himself in the Summit Bankruptcy.
David Aman is still fighting to silence blogger Crystal Cox, because David Aman was involved in the Summit Bankruptcy Scandal as you see in the Objection to the Fees filed by several insiders in that case. There was also emails to and with David Aman and the Department of Justice, and with other attorneys involved as they tried to Tell David Aman, Tonkon Torp of what was going on and how violated the rights of creditors and seemed to Violate Bankruptcy Code.
David Aman, Tonkon Torp Law Firm, knows that what Crystal Cox Blogger is saying is TRUE, yet David Aman, Tonkon Torp Law Firm fights to take domain names to shut me down. Thing is Obsidian V. Cox will be overturned, TRUTH will win for REAL over alleged Defamation and investigators will really find out the TRUTH about the Behind the Scenes of the Summit Bankruptcy that they have for over 4 years ignored. David S. Aman, Tonkon Torp Lawyer knows that blogger Crystal Cox did not have actual malice and in fact had and has actual documents of truth, fact and anyone who can read can see that what Blogger Crystal Cox has and is Exposing has tons of documentation to back it up.
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