Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Does Brown, White & Newhouse LLP even know what Ken White is up too? Seriously worried of an Ethic violation when Ken White defames, flat out lies, harasses and bulllies whistle blowers and Federal Defendents such as me, Crystal Cox, which is illegal.

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hypocritical Attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group claims common law Trademark against Crystal Cox yet whines about the claims of Others.

Hypocritical Attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group wrote this article below, seemingly to attack, make fun of, harass and bully a guy because he claimed copyright in his name.

Years later Randazza sued me claiming a Trademark in his name on my Gripe Sites about him.

"Former Rep Ted Klaudt claims "common law copyright" in his name to try and suppress news stories about him raping his kids"

Mr. Klaudt apparently started sending notices of his "common law copyright" to news agencies in order to stop them from reporting on the fact that he is serving time for raping his foster daughters. Klaudt was convicted on four counts of rape for fondling his underage foster daughters in "examinations" that he performed on them under the ruse of claiming that he was going to help them sell their eggs to infertile couples. The sick bastard got 44 years in prison for rape and another 10 years for tampering with witnesses in his trial.

Klaudt's letter to the Associated Press claims that anyone who wants to use his name must "file a written request 20 days in advance," and that he would pursue claims against anyone who violated the notice.

I can't be certain what the motivation for this move might be, but I presume that Klaudt doesn't like the fact that news organizations like to inform the public about sick bastards who molest their own kids -- especially when they happen to be lawmakers (or ex-lawmakers as it were). I guess he figured that this would convince a few people to stop using his name.

Guess what Klaudt, you just made yourself even more famous, short eyes."


Hypocritical Attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group will simply sue you, perjure himself to WIPO and STEAL your intellectual property and flat out take your domain names all in the alleged name of a an implied Trademark that he never registered, and never had. And to STOP, SUPPRESS the Free Speech of Blogger Crystal Cox who had many Gripe Sites about him and his Law Firm.

Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group abused the courts, used the Lanham Act, Trademark Laws and Unconstitutional Protective Orders to shut down blogs, steal internet placement and search ranking, harass and bully me, take down content, chill speech, remove content that spoke critical of him and all in the name of ALLEGED Trademark Rights.

Randazza has sent copyright notices to get places like docstoc and Google to remove court motions and other documents and blogs I posted using his name.

Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is above the LAW, Period.

Check out the Full Hypocritical Randazza v. Cox Docket

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Marc Randazza Talks a Good Game for Freedom of Speech and First Amendment Rights, However Marc Randazza DOES not Walk the Talk when it comes to his own Butthurt EGO Trip and the First Amendment Rights of Others. Marc Randazza is a Hypocrite, a Liar, an Asshole and has Violated my First Amendment Rights.

"What Do Sandra Fluke, Ted Klaudt, Rush Limbaugh, Isaac Eiland-Hall, Blogger Crystal Cox and the Double Talking First Amendment YAP of Marc Randazza Asshole have in Common?

Marc Randazza Emails Blogger Crystal Cox and Demands She Turn over Marc Randazza .com, even though Marc RandazzaRandazza Legal Group and Corbin Fisher, has fought for others to own domain names with people's name and even worse.

Though Marc Randazza knows that Blogger Crystal Cox won a WIPO case involving several Domain Names of Top Lawyers of one of the Worlds Biggest Law Firms, Proskauer Rose, still Marc Randazza threatens me, blogger Crystal Cox, that I if I don't turn over the Domain Name that will make him an enemy.  Marc Randazza knows I have every legal and ethical right to have bought and to own Marc Randazza .com, yet Marc Randazza is teaching me a lesson by working with the Plaintiff in Obsidian Vs. Cox to steal my Domain Names as Assets, even though a couple of months ago Marc Randazza could have bought Marc Randazza .com for $10.

Marc Randazza is a such a hypocrite as he writes about the Sandra Fluke, Rush Limbaugh Issue and seems to be defending free speech, yet at the same time claims that she is Butthurt and that Butthurt does not pay in the United States on His Watch.  Yet at the Same Time Marc Randazza is trying to make Blogger Crystal Cox PAY for his Butthurt over not buying his own name as a Dotcom (DotDUMB that Was), anyway now Marc Randazza is headed to Portland Oregon for a March 23 Deposition, one in which I am sure if you check his communications records, Marc Randazza contacted the Plaintiff's Camp to work AGAINST Crystal Cox Blogger, and Against Free Speech.

In Marc Randazza's article regarding Sandra Fluke, Marc Randazza Said this,
"When a plaintiff alleging defamation is a public figure, he or she must show that the allegedly false statements were made with actual malice – that is, knowing falsity, or a reckless disregard for the truth. N.Y. Times Co. v. Sullivan"  SO Marc Randazza is fully aware that in Obsidian V. Cox, Obsidian and Kevin Padrick are Public Figures and I had NO Actual Malice.  Marc Randazza spoke with me and told other First Amendment Lawyers that he represented me, Blogger Crystal Cox, and claimed to have been negotiating with the Plaintiff, which was news to me.  Now if Marc Randazza claims this did not happen, I am sure the other Attorneys will not lose their career in a perjured deposition to lie for Marc Randazza.

Link to the Butthurt Sandra Fluke / Marc Randazza Article

I want to Sue Marc Randazza, email me at to represent me Pro Bono.  Surely Marc Randazza has liability insurance for his yaps and threats. And isn't it illegal to act as if he represented me and try and negotiate a deal giving my private information to the Plaintiff, when he had not discussed with me, the "Alleged" Client?

Marc Randazza may flat out lie to you and say he was Subpoenad and did not contact the Plaintiff First, thing is over 6 years I have registered hundreds of "other people's names" as domain names, so why in the world would the Plaintiff Subpoena only ONE.  The Truth is that Marc Randazza contacted them to make me, Blogger Crystal Cox, pay for the Marc Randazza Butthurt.

Here is the Article where Marc Randazza, Randazza Legal Group says that Butthurt is Butthurt, and not defamation and that Butthurt does not pay in the United States on his watch. even though when it comes to Butthurt Marc Randazza he sure is teaching Blogger Crystal Cox a lesson in what it is to be an "enemy" of the Infamous double talking, hypocritical ASSHOLE Marc Randazza.

Marc Randazza Defended Isaac Eiland-Hall in the buying, owning and using the domain name
"" , yet Marc Randazza emailed me and told me I have no right to own a domain name that resembles his name. Talk about Double Standards.

Oh and Let's not forget the Ted Klaudt Common Law Copyright Dispute, and check out the Photo that Marc Randazza used for that article, (it is below on the left).  In the Ted Klaudt case.

The Headline Reads "Former Rep Ted Klaudt claims "common law copyright" in his name to try and suppress news stories about him raping his kids".
Marc Randazza Says, "We sure do see a lot of intellectual property abuse around here. This has to be the best one yet. Former South Dakota State Representative Ted Klaudt claims that he has a "common law copyright" in his name, and thus any news organization or other publication that uses his name must pay him a licensing fee of $500,000."

Yet Marc Randazza feels that he has copyright of his name. So the Name Marc Randazza is a bigger, better name than Former South Dakota State Representative Ted Klaudt's name? How does that Work? Marc Randazza is willing to take help the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox to take the Domain Names of Blogger Crystal Cox in effort to hide the Secret Deals, Corruption, and Conflicts of Industry, involving Law Firms Tonkon TorpSussman Shank, Perkins Coie and Miller Nash and involving Solar Tax Credits and the Actions of Obsidian Finance Group's Kevin Padrick as a Trustee in a $40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy out of Bend Oregon. Marc Randazza is also willing to STOMP on the Free Speech and First Amendment Rights of all in helping a Plaintiff that he admitted was certainly hurting Free Speech for All.

In the Ted Klaudt Scandal, Marc Randazza accuses the actions of Ted Klaudt to be simply to stop a "news organization" from informing the public. Which is exactly what I was doing. Obsidian Finance Group had no legal right to be the Trustee, neither did Kevin Padrick, as he was an insider. This case needs investigated and many were harmed and not just financially, lives were ruined. Marc Randazza will now be named in the Federal RICO Complaint I am Filing, as Well as FBI Complaints and Department of Justice Complaints. I have been investigating this story for 4 years, and Butthurt Marc Randazza is now on the side of suppressing information but taking my domain names and siding with the WRONG side First Amendment Rights.

In that Same Article Marc Randazza Says this to Ted Klaudt.
"Guess what Klaudt, you just made yourself even more famous, short eyes."
I Say This to Hypocrite Marc Randazza, "Guess What Fuckhead Marc Randazza, your working with the Bad Guys and you WILL Be even "more famous" as a thug, liar and asshole" But surely that was what you were going for.

Source information for Marc Randazza Article and Marc Randazza Case and Yammer Research

Ted Klaudt Article, Complete with Photo

Rush Limbaugh, Sandra Fluke Research Links
Marc Randazza is a LIAR when He Claims to Love the First Amendment, Marc Randazza only loves the First Amendment when it gets him a JOB.

"" Case Research Links

Posted here by
Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox
aKa, Marc Randazza ENEMY"

Original Posted At